Angelos Kaskanis


Türkiye Europe Future Forum

Period of the Fellowship


Project title

Türkiye Europe Future Forum 2024

Short biography

Dr. Angelos Kaskanis is the Executive Director of Transparency International Greece, the leading organization in taking action to combat global corruption with civil societal measures and to prevent criminal activities. He has participated in/co-organized several workshops in more than 20 countries that focus on Religious Extremism, Radicalization, Safety, and Security in Southeastern Europe, European Identity, and Greco-Turkish Relations. Dr. Kaskanis is also the Security Advisor of the Tactics Institute for Security & Counter Terrorism. In the past he has worked on several projects with the Hellenic Parliament, MPSOTC Kilkis, NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.