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Ezgi Yazicioglu


Türkiye Europe Future Forum

Period of the Fellowship


Project title

Turkey Europe Future Forum 2022

Short biography

Ezgi Yazicioglu is currently serving to the Operations and Coordination Office, at the NATO Science and Technology Organization, CSO, in Neuilly-Sur-Seine, France. Prior to joining the NATO STO-CSO, she worked in different political and economic consultancy firms, Think Tanks, non-governmental organizations and media outlets such as CEIDES, IRIS, Export Enterprises, Mensajeros de la Paz, Istanbul Economy Research and NTV News Channel. Her research focus is composed by nuclear arms deterrence policies, non-proliferation efforts in MENA region, disarmament, Chemical, Radiological, Biological, Nuclear (CBRN) counter measures, emerging disruptive technologies and transatlantic security. She is a polyglot with operating in 5 different languages in her daily life (English, French, Turkish, Spanish and Italian).  An advocate for mental health issues, migration policies in Europe and children education, she is a member of Darussafaka Society.